Family Preservation & Home-Based Services
Family-focused intervention services are available for families in Carroll, Clinton, White and Tippecanoe county. These services are designed to overcome the risk factors associated with child abuse and neglect while educating and strengthening families. Services are provided through the lens of child safety with an emphasis on leveraging the family’s strengths and protective tactics.
Case Management
Home-based family specialists provide tailored services to prevent family disruption or to achieve reunification with children where abuse, neglect or juvenile delinquency has occurred. Services include assistance with employment, educational, financial, housing, interpersonal and medical needs.
Supervised Visitation
Home-based family specialists provide one-on-one coaching, modeling and encouragement to parents during their supervised visits. The goal is to gradually decrease the frequency of supervised visits as the family demonstrates an improved level of active parental supervision and positive family interaction. For families without approved in-home visitation, Bauer utilizes the Family Support Center—an ideal location for facilitating visitations in a nurturing and safe environment.
Master’s level and licensed therapists provide structured, goal-oriented, time-limited therapy in home environments for families who need assistance recovering from physical, sexual and emotional abuse and neglect. Other issues, including substance abuse, mental illness, personality and behavioral disorder, developmental disabilities, dysfunctional family of origin and current family dysfunction may also be addressed in the course of treatment.