Head Start’s founders understood the connection between the health and wellness of a child and their success in school. In that spirit, Bauer provides all enrolled families and children with access to critical resources that ensure all of their needs are met so they can better apply themselves in the classroom. This commitment to comprehensive services sets Bauer Head Start apart from all other programs for young children.
Children enrolled in Head Start programs tend to have healthier weights by kindergarten than other children of the same age. Our programs promote healthy eating habits by practicing family-style dining at all meals and snacks, where children eat with their teachers, serve themselves and dine as a family. At no charge to families, children receive half to two-thirds of their daily recommended servings of the major food groups through the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). Through this program, children engage in monthly hands-on nutrition activities developed and delivered by our Nutrition Team while receiving meals and snacks reviewed and approved by a registered dietician.
Dental & Health Care
At Bauer, we encourage healthy dental habits by allowing time for both children and teachers to brush their teeth after eating. Not only do students carry out this beneficial practice, but they also engage in daily exercise through the I am Moving, I am Learning (IMIL) curriculum. Through this curriculum, children partake in monthly health and safety activities developed by our health team to promote healthy living. Additionally, we work closely with families to connect them with both regular dental and health care. All children receive screenings for hearing, vision and growth development and are referred for follow up services when needed.
Mental Health
Bauer’s Education Team screens all children for social-emotional development while providing daily activities that promote STAR—Bauer’s program-wide behavior expectations:
Team Players
Bauer’s licensed mental health consultant visits our classrooms monthly, providing strategies and support to teachers in their work with children. Families are encouraged to request time with the consultant for advice and support with family challenges.
Early Intervention
Within 45 days of each child’s enrollment in our programs, our Education Team conducts screenings to monitor developmental growth. When needed, families are referred for special services and supported through the process by our Early Intervention Specialist.
Family Training & Stability
One of the most unique services provided by Bauer Head Start is our family engagement support. Each family is paired with a Family Engagement Worker who specializes in social services. Our Family Engagement Team meets regularly with their families, establishing goals, connecting families to community resources and school activities.
In addition, Bauer families share their knowledge and experience with fellow parents and program staff in many ways:
Families as Decision Makers
Head Start families guide the direction of their child’s program through participation in the program’s Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) and Policy Council.
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
All families are automatically members of the PTO when they enroll in a Bauer Head Start program. PTO members plan parent activities, parent training and provide curriculum input.
Policy Council
Bauer’s Policy Council is comprised of currently enrolled parents and community members that have been elected by families in the program. The Policy Council is responsible for providing guidance to the Head Start Director and Managers on important program decisions such as hiring of staff and program expenses.
Families as Community Members
Bauer’s Health Advisory Committee (HAC) is made up of parents, community healthcare professionals, volunteers and staff. The HAC is responsible for assisting, reviewing and making recommendations for the program’s health, mental health and nutrition services.
Families as Learners
Throughout the school year, the Bauer Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) hosts events that bring families together in a fun and relaxed learning environment. Parents attend trainings geared toward their personal interests and at other times participate in learning activities side-by-side with their children.
Families as Teachers
Every week, families receive a Home Link learning activity from their child’s teacher. The activities are selected specifically for the child and are based on their strengths, needs, interests and goals the family has set.
School Readiness
"Readiness" is a term used to describe preparation for what comes next. Since 1990, one of the top national educational goals has been that all children in America start school "ready to learn." We recognize that the parents and families of children must also be ready for their child’s school experience, developing Head Start programs to ensure “Families are School Ready.”
With children, teachers plan educational experiences (link to curriculum?) that promote each child’s ability “to be ready” for the next stage of their learning. All of these experiences are aligned with the kindergarten readiness expectations of our local school districts. (link to School Readiness Goals?)
Parents and families develop their school readiness when they participate in classroom activities, work on learning connections at home, attend parenting events and trainings, participate in PTO and Policy Council and establish goals for their children and family.
Why is School Readiness So Important?
We consider children’s readiness for a successful kindergarten transition a community responsibility. The direct influence that early learning—especially from birth to five years old—has on a child's ability to learn and succeed in school is tremendous. In fact, research indicates that preschoolers who attend high quality programs:
Enter kindergarten with skills necessary for school success
Show greater understanding of verbal and numerical concepts
Are more socially competent
Show ability to stay with an activity longer
Are more likely to make typical progress through the primary grades
Are less often placed in special education classes
Are less likely to be retained in kindergarten